Yeah! We made it through another high school graduation, our last in fact. Number 6 of 6! With ours being a blended family there was a bit of a gap between the older kids and David, our youngest. Like 9 years to be exact. So long I'd almost forgotten how to do a grad party! Nonetheless, we celebrated commencement on Friday, June 5th, 2009 with David and 410 graduates from Lakeville North High School. We had our open house celebration on Sunday, June 7th. Although the weather didn't cooperate at all--extremely cool & dark, looming clouds--we made the best of it.
As with many stages in life, we now look forward to the next phase...college. David has plans to attend North Dakota State University in Fargo to study Architecture. And for John and I, empty-nesters. It'll be the first time in our married life without any kids in the house.
And so it goes...another one of those life changes. For the first time in 26 years my life won't revolve around a school calendar. Rather than look behind and feel sadness, I look ahead with breathless anticipation of what God has in store. Right now I have three writing projects going simultaneously, each one amazing in story, depth and dimension.
So while I may have an empty nest, I do not have an empty desk!
Until next time,