The Tournament of Roses Parade went off without a hitch...once again a beautiful and colorful display of imagination and creative thinking. "One Nation", sponsored by RFD-TV won the Craftsman Award. The float was 75 feet in length and 35 feet tall, and represented a Lakota Fancy Dancer, patterned after Garan Coons, one of the Fancy Dancers for Brule'.
Photo of One Nation, by Getty Images
January 1, 2011
Courtesy of Daylife |
I haven't had a chance to speak with Paul LaRoche since the parade to hear all the details. He did say in an interview with the Worthington Globe, "It's a pretty exciting occasion for a kid from Worthington!" Brule' performed in the front of the float for the full parade route, while other tribal representatives walked alongside.
Pretty exciting stuff, indeed!
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